Kopano Matlwa's "Coconut" and Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye"

Identity and Belonging


  • Manju George Bayan college


Comparative analysis, recurring motifs, character development, societal influences, self-identity, belonging.


The research paper explores the themes of identity and belonging in two critically acclaimed literary works: Kopano Matlwa's "Coconut" and Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye."  A comparative analysis is done to investigate how the characters' experiences shape their sense of self and their relationships with the communities in which they live taking into consideration the   recurring motifs, character development, and societal influences. The results reveal the striking contrasts and similarities in the protagonists' journeys toward self-identity and their yearnings for acceptance within their respective environments. By delving deep into these narratives, this research seeks to highlight the universality of these themes and the unique insights provided by each author's perspective.


