Adherence of Cultural Identity in The Namesake by JhumpaLahiri


  • Ranju P bayan College


Cultural Identity, immigrants, identity, cultural values, Indianness.


Cultural identity is a self-identification that affiliates to a community. It is the behavioral characteristics of a person, especially who immigrates to other countries. For immigrants, it gives individuality and ensures the feeling of belonging in a foreign country. An immigrant embraces cultural identity for safety and security when settles in another country. The Namesake by JhumpaLahiri makes it the best kind of reference to classify cultural identity of an Indian woman immigrant in America. The study portrays the woman characterAshimawho immigrates to America after marriage and associates herself with the Indian beliefs and culture. Further,it examines that uprooting from one’s own land and re-routing in an alien land has not changed her cultural identity. Sheadheres to her own cultural beliefs and observes a strong sense of belonging to the homeland. The paper proves that women are powerfully affected through migration, but still adhere the Indianness culture in them.


